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Discounts & Upgraded Amenities Help Boost Camper Stays, Study Finds

The following is a report from Modern Campground.

A new study released by Modern Campground, in partnership with Cairn Consulting Group, revealed that 75% of campers who plan to shorten their trips can be encouraged to stay longer through various incentives. 60% could be persuaded by reasons beyond cost reduction to extend their stay or even plan an additional trip.

The report, titled “Boosting Camper Stays: Key Strategies to Revive Campground Reservations,” is the first in Modern Campground’s latest research report series, MC Camper Compass.

Scott Bahr, the president of Cairn Consulting Group, remarked, “Our findings highlight how strategic discounts and improved amenities can significantly impact campers’ decisions to stay longer. This is a valuable insight for campground operators looking to overcome the recent decline in reservations.”

Brian Searl, founder and CEO of Modern Campground, also shared his enthusiasm: “It’s about creating an enriching experience. Upgraded facilities and a variety of activities not only make camping more appealing but also promote a sense of community and belonging among campers.”

The report dives into effective strategies for enhancing campers’ stays. Offering discounts like free nights, meal deals, rewards programs and local business coupons emerged as highly effective. Approximately 30% of campers indicated they would extend their stay if such discounts were available.

Photo credit: Daria Nipot –

Enhanced amenities were also crucial, with a strong preference for modern facilities such as comfortable cabins with power, quality camping equipment, cooking areas, pools, internet access and clean showers. These improvements make campsites more appealing, encouraging longer stays and attracting a diverse array of campers.

Furthermore, the report emphasized the importance of diverse activities to retain visitors. Campers enjoy water-related activities like swimming, boating and fishing, alongside community-oriented activities and on-site entertainment. Such offerings enhance the overall camping experience.

Nighttime events are particularly enticing, with 7% of campers stating they would stay longer if campsites hosted live entertainment, campfire nights or community events, adding a lively and engaging atmosphere to their stay.

To read the full report, click here.

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