DSI Survey is Available to Take

The RV Dealers Associations’ 25th Annual Dealers Satisfaction Index survey is underway, the organization recently reported. The online version of the survey is available here.
Additionly, U.S. and Canadian dealers attending the 2018 RV Dealers Convention/Expo from Nov. 5-9 will be able complete the survey at stations near the convention registration at the Paris hotel in Las Vegas. Dealers will receive DSI forms and can use survey stations near the registration desk. All dealers can also access the online version of the DSI via the RVDA mobile app, which is available for free at Apple or Android app stores.
The DSI is a confidential survey measuring the level of dealer satisfaction with the manufacturers in areas of vital interest to dealers, including: product reliability/quality, parts support, warranty support, and sales support.
The survey is operating on a different schedule this year. The survey window opens Oct. 19 and will close in January. The RVDA Quality Circle Awards – given to the manufacturers/brands receiving the highest DSI ratings – will be presented during the RV Industry Association’s RVX: The RV Experience event in Salt Lake City, Utah, March 12-14.