Duo Form, Specialty Recreation Announce Exclusive Partnership

Duo Form tapped Specialty Recreation as its exclusive RV aftermarket distributor for all Duo Form RV aftermarket parts, supplies and accessories throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Duo Form, an ISO 9001:2015 certified heavy gauge plastic thermoformer, prominently serves the RV OEM industry with a variety of thermoformed products. Last year, the company expanded its RV parts offering to the growing RV aftermarket and has launched more than a dozen products designed and developed especially for existing RV owners wanting to repair, rehab or update and modernize their existing RV.
Specialty Recreation now has an exclusive agreement to distribute Duo Form’s products to the RV aftermarket throughout the United States and Canada.
“This exclusive partnership will allow Duo Form to provide superior products and service throughout the entire RV market,” said Shelly Ditmer, Duo Form’s president. “Duo Form has been an industry leader in the OEM market for over 50 years, while Specialty Recreation has been an RV aftermarket leader for almost 40 years. With our industry continuing to grow and the high demand for RV products, we feel this partnership is a critical step in ensuring quality customer service throughout both the OEM and aftermarket industries.”
Many customers have already benefited from the relationship between Duo Form and Specialty Recreation, as they have a history spanning 15 years. In 2006, Specialty Recreation brought the first line of RV skylights to the aftermarket industry by partnering with Dave Rheinheimer of Majestic Plastics. In 2009, Duo Form purchased Majestic Plastics for their skylight line and other specialty RV products such as slide-out floor skis and storage boxes. Today, the relationship between Duo Form and Specialty Recreation remains stronger than ever.
“With RV wholesale shipments at historic highs and dealers breaking record sales, this new exclusive partnership solidifies our combined intentions of making sure the entire RV industry is provided with the quality parts and service they need, from the OEM’s to the aftermarket,” said Duo Product Development Manager Dave Rheinheimer. “By Duo Form handling the OEM side and Specialty Recreation handling the aftermarket side, we feel we can better service all our customers.”