East Coast Campers Announces 2021 Inventory Expansion

East Coast Campers & More has announced projections of significant growth in the new year, thanks to an expansion of its current RV inventory. This increase in product selection is expected to take effect in the early months of 2021, and once implemented, the Frankford, Del., dealership estimates housing as many as 100 RV models at any given time.
“We’re thankful to have done so well this last year,” said Valerie Gravnor, co-founder and co-owner of East Coast Campers & More. “We were initially worried that we wouldn’t be able to afford this expansion, but today, adding more models seems like a no-brainer.”
Gravnor and her family own East Coast Campers & More, which saw a huge surge in sales due to COVID-19, just as many dealerships all across the country did.
“We were always planning to expand to 100-plus models,” added Gravnor. “We just didn’t realize it would be possible to do it during a crazy time like this.”
The company said that two of the largest changes customers can expect will be seen in East Coast Campers’ product selection of destination trailers and travel trailers. Namely, two extensive 2021 series from Keystone RV, featuring the Hideout travel trailer, and the Retreat destination trailer, including numerous floorplan options for each.