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Elkhart Chamber President Testifies Before Congress

Local action, more than outside help, fueled the community’s ongoing economic recovery, the president and CEO of the Greater Elkhart, Ind., Chamber of Commerce told a U.S. House panel Wednesday.

Levon Johnson made the trip to Washington to testify before the House Select Committee on the Economy. The hearing was titled “Bringing Prosperity to Left-Behind Places: How Targeted Place-Based Development Can Expand Economic Opportunity.”

Johnson, serving as one of the Republican witnesses for the hearing, told the story of the area’s manufacturing-based economy.

Elkhart County was among the hardest-hit areas in the 2008 recession, but Johnson said he believes the county’s collaborative spirit, entrepreneurial ecosystem, economic resilience, philanthropic nature and cultural diversity have helped the county remain an economic bellwether for the country.

Click here to read the full article by Blair Yankey in The Elkhart Truth. Please note that a subscription is required.

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