Equalizer Systems Adds New Laser to Production

Equalizer Systems has announced the addition of a state-of-the-art Optiplex Nexus Fiber Laser to its fabrication shop production. The Mazak Optiplex Nexus 3015 Fiber Laser has a full automation production process.
“This laser will help cut down costs, so we can better serve our customers,” said Jason Loose, division manager at Equalizer.
The Mazak Optiplex Nexus 3015 Fiber Laser, being fully automated, can have a supply of material loaded in the evening, and by morning, a finished product ready for production. This machine has a safety feature in place. If a problem occurs, it will stop production until the problem is solved.
“This addition of equipment to our company will help make our products more precise for our customers,” said Loose. “We have the right, knowledgeable people in place with the ability to use the Mazak Optiplex Nexus 3015 Fiber Laser. This will not only be a growth opportunity for Equalizer Systems, but also for Elkhart County.”
Equalizer Systems made the decision to improve the quality, efficiency, and control the cost of the product for its customers and end users.