Exclusive: Arrow Distributing Show a Success

LAS VEGAS – By all accounts, this week’s Arrow Distributing show at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino was a success.
The two-day event concluded Wednesday with dealers spending the day ordering aftermarket parts and accessories from 70-plus vendors in attendance.
The annual event was live and in person for the first time in two years after going virtual in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For those dealers who stayed back from travelling, they will have the opportunity to input their orders online starting Friday.

For those dealers who did make the trip, they spent Wednesday speaking with vendors about new products and ways to successfully sell parts and products which have boomed of late.
Hourly “Poker Runs” were set up throughout the day for the dealers to take advantage of concentrated show specials.
In speaking with those in came, all were happy to be back in person and doing business face to face.