Exclusive: RV Women’s Alliance Unveils ‘My Camping Dream’

“We send out samples of how to reply to all of our guides,” she explained. “For instance, we don’t want it to be sales-y. … Speak as if you were a subject matter expert, not a salesman. People form relationships with experts, they don’t form relationships with salespeople.”
Those in the RV industry are already telling her about creative discounts they plan to extend to those who end up as a customer through the My Camping Dream website, she said.
Companies participating have agreed to email invitations to participate to all of those on their respective mailing lists, starting today. Ellingson said that when you tally up all the names on all those lists, there’s the potential for 27 million people to receive an invite.
The rollout will be incremental, she said, with about 100,000 emails a day going out to start, and then ramping up over the coming weeks. What was originally planned as a 30-day campaign has been extended to 60, and possibly longer.
A team of advisors from across the industry provided support and guidance for the campaign. The advisory committee members are:
• Andy Robinowitz, CEO, RVLife, RVTripWizard and CampgroundReviews.com
• Nicole Sult, senior director, customer experience architect, Lippert Components
• Leo Akins, general manager of Corporate PDI, Codes and Standards, Quality Assurance, and the Office of Corporate Compliance, Forest River Inc.
• Marc and Julie Bennett, founders, RVLove.com
• Chris Cieto, publisher, RV PRO
• Bob Zagami, president, New England RV Dealers Association
Participants — consumers and industry types alike — are being asked to spread the love on social media by using the hashtag #MyCampaignDream.