Florida County Commissioners Donate 20 RVs for Hurricane Relief

Jackson County Commissioners recently donated 20 RVs to the Chipola Baptist Association (CBA).
The RVs were provided to the county by FEMA as temporary living quarters for people displaced by Hurricane Michael. CBA managed the program and when the FEMA/county agreement governing their use expired, FEMA subsequently turned the RVs over permanently to the county to dispose of as it wished.
CBA leader Coba Beasley was praised by county officials last Tuesday for his management of the program and handed over the units to his organization, which will now use them in its own mission to assist people in need going forward.
Beasley managed the staging and distribution of the RVs from the time they arrived in 2019, and also the modifications of them when that was necessary to accommodate the needs of individual families they moved in temporarily, often behind others that had lived in them for some weeks and left problems when they departed. The RVs weren’t all new, and some needed repairs before they were used, as well.
Together, the FEMA RVs housed 170 area families over roughly 18 months.
Read the full report from the Jackson County Floridan here.