FMCA Changes Name of Monthly Publication

Family Motor Coach Association’s monthly publication, which first rolled off the presses in 1964, has changed its title from Family Motor Coaching to Family RVing.
“The new title chosen for the magazine, Family RVing, embraces the fact that FMCA represents a close-knit community of RVers, tied together by a love of traveling and exploring, discovering new places, and meeting new people,” said Jon Walker, FMCA national president. “‘Family,’ and ‘RVing’ are part of our heritage, our present, and our future.”
FMCA turned to Bates Creative Group, an award-winning agency based in Silver Spring, Maryland, to lead the first refresh of the magazine in a decade.
“RVing is all about having fun, and we want the magazine to reflect that,” said FMCA executive director Chris Smith. “I believe we’ve accomplished that with this rejuvenation and rebranding of our monthly publication. We’ve also unveiled a new website dedicated to the magazine, and we invite RVers to check it out. is a great resource for members and prospective members alike.”