Following Dispute, CalARVC Rebrands Itself

The California Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (CalARVC) has changed the association’s name to CampCalNow RV Park and Campground Alliance. The former CalARVC organization decided to drop the ARVC brand in an undisclosed settlement with the National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (ARVC).
A dispute over branding began last fall when CalARVC received a request from the national ARVC board to change the state association’s name. It was ARVC’s contention that non-affiliated states should no longer carry the ARVC brand. Trademark applications were filed by both parties and threats of legal action were presented to the California association.
The original agreement between ARVC and CalARVC did not include a stipulation that the brand would be dropped if the state was no longer affiliated and as such California maintained the ARVC naming convention for the past few years. ARVC’s belief was that the naming convention created confusion within the industry.
“Out of respect for our members, we opted to move away from costly legal actions,” said Randy Hendrickson, CampCalNOW president. “We did not feel that it would be fiduciarily responsible to utilize the organization’s reserves on naming conventions, when our focus is where it always has been and will always remain, and that is increasing our value to our members.”
In the past six months, conversations between both ARVC and CalARVC fell flat and ultimately did not provide an equitable solution that would elevate the industry. It was after much deliberation by the entire CalARVC board that the decision was made to release the ARVC naming convention and rebrand the association.
“We have opted to look to the future rather than focus on the past,” said Dyana Kelley, incoming CampCalNOW president and Camp-California CEO. “The CampCalNOW alliance signifies a collaboration between the organization and our members. It is about a positive change and an elevation of the industry as a whole.”