Forest River Celebrates $1M Milestone With Care Camps Foundation

Forest River announced it is renewing its partnership with Care Camps Foundation. This announcement was made as part of the celebration marking Forest River surpassing the $1M milestone in cumulative donations.
In 2019, Forest River pledged to donate to Care Camps Foundation with every product sold. This month, the partnership surpassed its $1M goal, enabling thousands of children living with cancer and their families to experience a medically supervised camp.
“We are pleased to celebrate this milestone in our partnership with Care Camps Foundation. As an RV manufacturer, it just makes sense.” said Jason Hershberger, Forest River general manager and Care Camps Foundation board member. “As an industry we do a lot of good things individually, but this is one of those things that we should all do together. We hope to inspire every manufacturer, supplier, and dealer to come together so every child suffering from cancer will have the opportunity to attend a special camp.”
The Forest River – Care Camps Foundation collaboration can also be seen at their annual Elkhart RV Open House, and with a co-branded sticker that is placed on every Forest River recreation vehicle sold across the country.
“We are deeply grateful for our partnership with Forest River and their extraordinary generosity,” said Gwynn Sullivan, Care Camps Foundation executive director. “Their steadfast commitment to our mission greatly contributes to our ability to fund the pediatric oncology camps we serve.”
In 2023, Care Camps Foundation provided $2M in funding to over 120 pediatric oncology camps across the United States and Canada impacting over 41,000 lives of children, siblings, families and volunteers who attended. Corporate partnerships with the outdoor industry are pivotal to help fund the camps’ operational expenditures, capital improvement needs and program innovations — and ultimately provide the opportunity for children living with cancer and their families to experience community and the healing power of the outdoors.