Forest River Shasta Pre-Wired for KING Products

Forest River has announced that products from the Shasta family of towables will now come pre-wired for KING’s lineup of Wi-Fi range extender products. Pre-wiring models for KING technology enables Shasta customers to tailor their price point and performance based on their needs.
“Shasta is an iconic name in the industry, and we are excited to make it easier for consumers to upgrade their W-Fi experience with superior KING performance,” said Jeremy Buckmeier, director of OEM sales at KING. “With evolving Wi-Fi technology and the changing needs of today’s tech-savvy RVers, the KING suite of Wi-Fi Range Extender products improve upon and simplify the user experience – providing consumers the longest ranges and the fastest speeds.”
The KING suite of Wi-Fi range extender products includes the KING WiFiMax router/range extender (KWM1000), the KING Swift omnidirectional, roof-mounted Wi-Fi antenna/router bundle (KS1000), and the KING Falcon automatic directional, roof-mounted Wi-Fi antenna/router bundle (KF1000/01).
“The growing suite of Wi-Fi products from KING represents a focused effort to improve the overall experience for our owners,” said Doug Lantz, general manager of Shasta. “With a price point for every customer, these Wi-Fi products are designed to maximize both distance and speed – features we know our owners will be excited about.”