German Government Gives OK to 2020 Caravan Salon

Messe Düsseldorf and the Caravaning Industrie Verband (CIVD) announces that, thanks to voting at the conference of the German federal and state governments, it has been determined that the Caravan Salon 2020 will go on as planned from Sept. 4 to 13 in Düsseldorf.
“The Caravan Salon can take place from September 4 to 13. With our measures, we can guarantee seamless contact tracking on the exhibition grounds and have developed a hygiene concept in close cooperation with the authorities,” said Stefan Koschke, director of the Caravan Salon.
Concrete measures being taken include visitor registration, which enables contact tracking, and tickets are only available online. Other core preparations including managing the number of attendees, maintaining social distancing, enforcing the wearing of asks, and providing plenty of places to wash and disinfect hands, its organizers said,