Glaston Increases Partnership with Lippert

Finland-based Glaston Group has has closed a follow-up deal with U.S.-based Lippert for an automotive pre-processing line and an insulating glass line. The lines will be delivered by Glaston during the third and fourth quarters of 2021.
In June, Glaston disclosed Lippert’s deal for an automotive pre-processing line, a Glaston Matrix serial bending furnace and high-performance laminating equipment. Buoyed by strong demand, Lippert decided at the end of 2020 to significantly expand their new Bristol, Ind., facility.
As part of the expansion, Lippert expanded its deal with Glaston. To feed the existing Glaston bending and laminating equipment, Lippert ordered an automotive CHAMP Cut Breakout Grind Line, and in addition the deal included a second TPS insulating glass line for additional insulating capacity, running in parallel to the previously purchased TPS insulating glass line.
“We are very happy to be part of (Lippert’s) ambitious growth journey and success when they expand operations,” said Michael Schmidt, vice president, sales and marketing, North America.