Go RVing Website Traffic Setting Records

Traffic to the Go RVing website reached record highs in August, the organization said, surpassing all historical data since tracking began in 2012. Unique users, website sessions, and pageviews all more than doubled since July. The traffic comes from a significant increase in media support as Wave 2 of Go RVing’s ad campaign, “Go on a Real Vacation,” debuted across broadcast, social, radio and paid search.
Go RVing saw 1.2 million pageviews in August – a 180 percent increase over July. Dealer searches were up 350 percent and lead submissions up 54 percent. Paid search was the largest contributor to these improvements, accounting for more than half of the volume of lead submissions and searches.
“This is a dramatic increase compared to the past three years where August consistently saw drops across the board in site visits, pageviews, and dealer searches due to the traditional camping season winding down at the end of summer,” said Go RVing Senior Manager of Strategic Marketing and Data Analytics, Sarah Neely. “These results are very encouraging and indicate that along with a stronger website strategy, the new campaign is resonating with consumers. We expect to see engagement continue to improve when the new GoRVing.com launches in a few weeks.”
Meanwhile, “Go on a Real Vacation” is rapidly reaching consumers. The six- and ten-second pre-roll on YouTube, , have more than 14.1 million views combined since launching August 24.