Goshen Schools Superintendent: Take COVID Seriously

With Elkhart County’s COVID-19 positivity rate soaring in recent weeks, Goshen Community Schools officials are pleading with the public to take the virus seriously and follow recommended safety protocols.
Steven Hope, interim superintendent of Goshen Community Schools, issued what he called an “all-out appeal” to the Goshen community during a meeting of the Goshen school board Monday evening.
“As everyone knows, the virus is running rampant through our community. The positivity rate is, I believe, twice what it was in March when we closed the schools,” Hope said of the issue. “Goshen Community Schools has done a really great job of keeping schools open and allowing a safe place for students to come every day to not only get their education, but to receive their meals, to receive health care, to receive mental health support, and to receive counseling support.”
Hope also said that for many of these students, the school environment is their only way of accessing such resources, making their continued participation and attendance that much more important.
Click here to read the full story from John Kline in The Goshen News.
“When we don’t have school, students go without all of these very important things. And for so many of our students, this is that one connection that does so much for them,” he said. “So, we are trying very hard to keep our students in school.”