Heartland RV Campaign Benefits Elkhart Boys & Girls Club

The Heartland RV group partnered with the Boys & Girls Club of Elkhart County, Ind., to host a Christmas drive of various gifts. Employees and their families purchased and donated new clothing, toys, kits, gift cards and more, amounting to nearly $13,900 in total value.

“This year has been tough on so many families,” said Alex Bicknell, Heartland’s leadership coach and community engagement chair. “With community as a core value, our teams felt both duty-bound and passionate to do our part in making their Christmas a little brighter.”
Through their “Saving Christmas for the Kids” campaign, Heartland and its subsidiaries, Cruiser RV and DRV Luxury Suites, adopted 20 families in need. Their community engagement team coordinates service projects regularly to provide employees and their families with opportunities to make an impact in their communities through the donation of time, energy, and resources.