HUD Seeks Comments on Proposed RV Exemption Rule

On Jan. 26, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published a request for comments on its Regulatory Review of Manufactured Housing Rules. As part of the administration’s efforts to combat what it sees as outmoded, ineffective and excessively burdensome regulations, HUD will be reviewing its existing and planned manufactured housing regulatory actions.
HUD is specifically seeking comments on its proposed rule to exempt RVs from Manufactured Home Construction Safety Standards and Procedural and Enforcement Regulations.
This proposed rule, originally posted on Feb. 9, 2016, would among other things revise the definition of “recreational vehicle” to effectively remove all RVs, including park model RVs, from HUD regulatory authority.
The RV Industry Association filed comments in 2016, however, HUD has taken no further action on the rule.
RVIA is filing comments on the regulatory review that will echo the April 2016 comments. They will emphasize continued support for modernizing and redefining the RV exemption from manufactured housing standards, encourage clarification that HUD’s Office of Manufactured Housing has no authority over the use of RVs, and encourage general reference to the NFPA and ANSI standards rather than tying the rule to specific editions.
Any members who would like to submit individual comments may do so at the link above. Comments close on Feb. 26.