Kampgrounds of America Adds Features to Proprietary Reservation Software

Kampgrounds of America announced the newest features added to its proprietary, in-house-designed reservation software, called K2.
Since its launch in 2017, K2 has had new features and improvements added on a regular basis. The two newest features are designed to drive revenue and make site selection and check-in easier for the camper.
One of K2’s newest additions is Dynamic Optimization, which the company said further improves the booking chart by allowing campground owners and managers to minimize reservation gaps, therefore increasing revenue via an overnight, automated process.
“Dynamic Optimization streamlines business operations utilizing complex algorithms and provides the opportunity to book more reservations,” said Andy Metroka, KOA’s chief information officer. “This feature frees up space for additional reservations during busy periods while allowing staff to focus on other areas of work which further increases the opportunity to grow revenue. Dynamic Optimization is also busy at work ensuring future space is optimized so new online reservations aren’t missed when operators are too busy with the day-to-day operations to pay close attention to future availability.”