Keystone RV Gets Storage Annex Approved

Goshen City Council members approved two annexation agreements during their meeting Tuesday evening.
This story by John Kline originally appeared in the Goshen News.
Included among the approvals was a request by Keystone RV for the annexation of approximately 32 acres of property totaling four parcels located north of Woodfield Road/C.R. 40, east of Corrie Drive, south of Skyview Road and west of U.S. 33.
According to the petition, the annexation area will be zoned as M-1 Industrial, or light industrial, upon annexation, except for Parcel 1, which will be zoned M-1 Industrial with a Planned Unit Development overlay. The area will be assigned to Goshen City Council District 5.
Primary use of the annexed area will be for RV storage.
The request was approved unanimously.
Also approved by the council Tuesday was a request by Kibby Excavating for the annexation of about 6 acres of property located north of Woodfield Road/C.R. 40, east of Corrie Drive, south of Hackberry Drive and west of U.S. 33. Like the Keystone request, the Kibby annexation request calls for the property to be converted into an RV storage lot.
The request was approved unanimously.