KOA CEO Pat Hittmeier Receives ARVC Pioneer Award

Kampgrounds of America Chairman and CEO Pat Hittmeier received the 2018 Pioneer Award on Thursday, Nov. 8, from the National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (ARVC) during the group’s annual gathering in Oklahoma City.
The award recognizes early industry leaders and visionaries whose groundbreaking efforts have contributed over the years to the growth and success of the RV and camping sectors of the outdoor hospitality industry, and who have been involved in the industry for at least 25 years.
Hittmeier was presented with the award by Al Johnson, an executive with Recreation Adventures Co., which owns several KOA campgrounds throughout North America. Johnson is a previous recipient of an ARVC Pioneer Award.
Hittmeier first came to Kampgrounds of America’s home office in Billings, Mont., in 1981, where he worked as an administrative assistant. He rose through the ranks at KOA and worked in leadership positions in several KOA divisions including company-owned properties, franchise services and sales and development, before being named chairman and CEO.
He also has been a member of the ARVC Business Forum, and a longtime supporter of the ARVC Hospitality Conference and Expo.