KOA Convention Will Go Virtual in November

Kampgrounds of America – better known as KOA — goes virtual with its 2020 International Convention in November.
The event was originally planned for Nov. 16 to 19 in Las Vegas, and although the dates will stay the same, the company says that the uncertainties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have made it impossible to definitively schedule the 800-plus attendee event.
“While we’re obviously disappointed that we won’t be able to gather the KOA family into one place as we have done for the past 55-plus years, the safety of our owners, their employees, and our employees are of the utmost importance,” said KOA Vice President of Franchise Services, Darin Uselman. “We are excited by the educational opportunities a virtual event provides us, and we plan to capitalize on that aspect.”
According to KOA, there will be a large increase in the number of educational sessions held during the virtual convention. Currently, there are more than 30 different workshop sessions planned.
“We are in the very early stages of making this virtual event a reality,” Uselman said. “We are dedicated to ensuring that the virtual convention will be well worth the time we’re asking KOA vendors, owners, managers and staff to invest.”
The virtual convention will still include a virtual vendor expo, keynote speakers and important presentations on the future of KOA and camping by KOA President and CEO, Toby O’Rourke, and her management team. KOA will also celebrate its 10-year, 20-year. 30-year, 40-year and 50-year partnerships with franchisees, as well as announce the winners of the KOA President’s Awards and the Founder’s Awards.
The event will also feature the announcement of the KOA Rising Star and KOA Campground of the Year for 2021.