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KOA Report: Desire To Connect With Nature Bridges Generational Gaps

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Kampgrounds of America, Inc. (KOA) released its Camper Profiles report, the sixth installment of the Camping and Outdoor Hospitality Report

The report explores the changing camping landscape and its evolving demographic makeup, and finds a substantial growth of 68% of active camping households in the last decade, due to the outdoor hospitality industry expanding to include a range of accommodations, amenities and experiences — attracting a wide range of new campers.

The Average Camper

“By understanding the many different types of campers and their motivations, operators can enhance the outdoor hospitality experience to foster a more inclusive and enjoyable environment,” said Toby O’Rourke, KOA president and CEO. “The outdoor hospitality industry has grown substantially in the past decade, welcoming experienced and new campers. We are encouraged by the data shown in the report and excited to welcome more people out to connect with nature.

The New Camper

Campers by Generation

To view the full 2024 Camper Profiles, click here. Additional supplemental reports will be released in the coming weeks, exploring several topics more in-depth, available at

The results of the most recent iteration of the North American Camping and Outdoor Hospitality Report are based on a total of 4,100 surveys completed among a random sample of U.S. (2,900) and Canadian (1,200) households. All surveys were completed only via an outbound solicitation sent to a randomly selected cross-section of U.S. and Canadian households. To calculate overall incidence, the sample of respondents was statistically balanced to ensure that the results are in line with overall population figures for age, gender and ethnicity. Some results may not add to 100% due to rounding.

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