Laborshed Survey Scheduled for Elkhart County

The Economic Development Corporation (EDC) of Elkhart County is working to conduct an economic study of the county.
“Understanding residents’ needs within the county is vital for long-term economic growth,” states Mark Dobson, EDC president and CEO.
As a part of this larger economic study of Elkhart County, a county-wide 15- to 20-minute electronic worker questionnaire is available online. All collected data will be anonymous, but participants will have an opportunity to register for various prizes following completion of the questionnaire.
All Elkhart County residents are eligible to participate. The EDC is leading the economic study and is working in close partnership with consulting firm enFocus.
As part of the larger study, the worker questionnaire will survey residents throughout Elkhart County to assess the existing labor supply within the county, and determine which factors may contribute to their decision whether or not to work in Elkhart County.
The study will ask questions within the following areas: current employment status, work experience, job training, and commuting. Responses from Elkhart County residents will provide insight into several research questions in these areas.
“As new employers establish operations within the county, and existing firms expand and innovate, it is essential that we understand the various factors that drive residents’ decisions when choosing where to work,” said Matt Dudevoir, an enFocus Fellow working on the project. “It is our hope that this survey will enable employers and county planners to make decisions today that will lead to rewarding, long-term careers for Elkhart County residents.”