LCI Launches the Quality 2.0 Management Program

Lippert Components has launched Quality 2.0, a contact center quality management program within the company’s customer services division. Inspired by John DiJulius’ The Customer Service Revolution, Quality 2.0 focuses on cultivating best practices among front line team members to provide excellent customer service and to create exceptional customer experiences, according to the company.
LCI’s new contact center quality management program removes agent scoring, and instead, places emphasis on the contact center team member’s interactions with customers. Through objective questions and monthly, one-on-one coaching conversations between front-line team members and their supervisors, contact center team members and team leaders work together to identify areas for quality improvement. Quality 2.0 is an innovative approach to improve the LCI’s ability to effectively service its customers.
The new Quality 2.0 program is aligned with and leading the way of emerging contact center trends. According to the International Customer Management Institute (ICMI), only 10% of contact centers have an established quality management program that does not include scoring. ICMI regularly champions moving away from scoring systems because they tend to adversely affect team member’s morale, which in turn, negatively influences quality, efficiency, and productivity.
“We’re continually reevaluating our processes and striving for continuous improvement among our team members,” said Nicole Sult, LCI’s director of customer services. “Quality 2.0 is a major step toward improving our internal evaluation process in order to support increased customer satisfaction.”
“With our initial quality management program, we had an extensive, score-based evaluation, which caused team members to focus on the ‘grade’ they received instead of taking the intended proactive approach of focusing on feedback and solutions for the future,” said Lauren Hinkle, LCI leader in training for customer services. “Now, we have shifted to a scoreless evaluation. … At the end of the day, it is about equipping team members with the best training and tools, with the ultimate goal of helping them provide excellent customer service.”