RV News

LCI Partners with Horizon Education Alliance to Host Career Quest

Lippert Components has partnered with Horizon Education Alliance (HEA), and about 50 local businesses, to host Career Quest 2019. Held April 17-18, Career Quest 2019 was supported through the Indiana Department of Workforce Development Skill UP Indiana! grant to bring awareness to careers in Elkhart County and surrounding communities.

The two-day event helped raise awareness about local career pathways for Indiana middle school students from Elkhart County, Marshall County, and St. Joseph County. Representatives from various industries were on-site at Center Six One Five in Elkhart to provide hands-on experiences to help students better understand what a career within area industries might entail. Industries represented included advanced manufacturing, construction and trade, healthcare, and information technology.

Students rotated through all major industry sectors, spending approximately 22 minutes immersed within each. While visiting each industry sector, students engaged with interactive displays highlighting diverse career pathways and spoke with employers about the skills and education required for success in their respective field.

“We’re so thankful for the opportunity to share LCI’s many avenues for professional growth, including our Core Values and Leadership Qualities, with local youth,” said Clara Truex, personal development coach at LCI. “Students gained insight into our overall leadership development mission. The students were engaged and curious, and the volunteers were helpful, kind, and much appreciated. Career Quest 2019 was very well organized and well-received by the students.”

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