Learning Center Awards Scholarship

Shane Derby, whose father is a full-time employee at Arlington RV Supercenter in East Greenwich, R.I., has been chosen to receive the Mike Molino RV Learning Center Scholarship for academic year 2018-19.
Endowed through the Kindlund Family Foundation, the $2,500 award goes to a deserving RV company employee or their dependent enrolled in undergraduate studies.
This year’s scholarship winner will be entering his first year at the University of Rhode Island as a sophomore with a major in civil engineering. He hopes to utilize his engineering skills and knowledge to work at an RV company in the Midwest after he completes his degree.
The Kindlund family, which endowed the scholarship program with $270,000, remains active in the RV industry even after selling its corporation, Holiday RV Superstores, in 1999. Newt Kindlund serves on the RV Learning Center Board of Directors.
“This scholarship is one of the oldest in the industry and we are very proud to have established it over 18 years ago,” Kindlund said.
The Learning Center’s scholarship program recognizes deserving rising college sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Applicants are judged on their current RV industry involvement or their plan to seek employment in the industry upon graduation, academic achievement, extracurricular activities and honors, financial need, and a 500-word essay on their goals and objectives after college. The program has awarded $70,000 to 28 students since its inception in 2000.