Level 5 Acquires Website Solution CellTuck

Level 5 has acquired website solution provider CellTuck.
A sale price was not disclosed.
CellTuck’s expertise in the web space incorporates responsive, customizable, and fully-equipped websites for dealers across the United States.
Level 5, founded in December 2014, provides dealers and manufactures with an all-encompassing targeted marketing solution for their business. Clients can enjoy the comfort of a single omnichannel marketing approach with its one-of-a-kind technology platform, Compass. With its long-standing collaborations with companies such as Team Velocity, Tier10, CarSaver, and more, Level 5 provides a results-driven solution to the RV industry.
“We are excited to share that CellTuck has been acquired by Level 5. Budd Blackburn and his Level 5 family are industry leaders and have a strong hold on the market. We’re confident that you are all in amazing hands,” said Angie Cellucci, director and CEO of CellTuck.
During this merge, Level 5 will serve all existing CellTuck clients and partners by organizing support teams that will remain open and ready to facilitate a smooth and seamless transition. “We are extremely honored to continue carrying the torch that CellTuck has held for its clients for many years,” said founder and President Budd Blackburn. “Angie and Claudio are well-respected by the industry, their team, and their clients, and we wish them nothing but the best as they move forward with the next chapter of their lives.”
Representing seven of the top 10 towable dealers and six of the top 10 motorized dealers in the United States, Level 5 continues to raise the bar for true lead generation and service. Within the 2019 calendar year, Level 5 will double its size and expand its operations in North America.