Level 5 Announces $10K Prize to Inspire Donations to Care Camps

Hoping to inspire every RV, marine and powersports dealer across the U.S. and Canada to make a year-end charitable gift to Care Camps, which helps kids with cancer find hope and healing in the outdoors, Level 5 has issued a challenge that will help the organization and one benefactor have an extra-happy New Year.
The company is asking other companies and organizations to donate $500 or host a Facebook fundraiser and raise $500 for Care Camps. By doing so, they will be eligible for a $10,000 cash prize, donated by Level 5. But act now, because the deadline for prize eligibility is this Wednesday, Jan. 30,
Care Camps is a non-profit charity that helps kids with cancer experience hope and healing in the great outdoors by sending them to special oncology camps all over the U.S. and Canada at no cost to their families. It is supported by companies in the camping and outdoors industries such as KOA, Forest River, Level 5 and others.
Level 5 is a full-service technology and advertising agency serving the RV, marine and powersports industries.
“The Level 5 family is happy to do something that will hopefully encourage many others to give to support this amazing cause,” said Budd Blackburn, president of Level 5. “In a year that record sales have blessed many in the outdoors industry, we are thankful for the opportunity not only to give back but inspire others to do the same.”
“We are so excited that Level 5 is doing this contest to encourage dealers everywhere to give,” said Jennifer Mercer, Care Camps’ director of development. “The cause of helping kids with cancer find hope and healing during their struggles is bigger than any one of us. By donating to Care Camps, you are helping children fighting cancer in every community, in every state, and ensure that they have a chance to experience the healing power of the outdoors. Due to the loss of all three of Care Camps’ biggest fundraisers this year, we have never needed the support of our RV and marine industry more. A huge thank you to Level 5 Advertising for doing something to inspire those who have been blessed by a good year to do some charitable giving just in time for the holidays.”
To register, dealers and employees can do one of two things: donate at least $500 at www.carecamps.org or host a Facebook fundraiser and raise an equivalent amount by Dec. 30. When the donation or fundraising is complete, simply email proof of the donation or successful fundraiser to karen@carecamps.org to be added to the Level 5 prize drawing. All proof of donations/fundraisers must be received by Dec. 30 to qualify for the drawing, which takes place on New Year’s Eve.
For questions or more information, contact Jennifer Mercer at Care Camps at 406-671-0447 or by email at jmercer@carecamps.org.
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