Life Industries Increases Production of Sanitizing Solution

Life Industries Corp., of North Charleston, S.C., a manufacturer of maintenance products for the marine, RV and aviation industries, has increased its production of sanitizing solution and has made the product available in various sizes for use for the general public, as well as for health-care professionals.
“As we were seeing store shelves emptying of any type of sanitizer products, we felt that we could help fill the hole left in the supply chain by providing this non-alcohol-based sanitizer,” said Life Industries President Grace Schmidt.
A solution of benzalkonium chloride and water allows the product to be safe for use on skin and surfaces, and is a common ingredient used in most antibacterial wipes and soaps.
“We felt compelled to help in any way possible and since we already have the equipment to blend, bottle, package and ship, we switched gears, put on hold our regular production of marine, aviation and RV maintenance products, so we can focus entirely on providing this sanitizer that we had been manufacturing for private label for many years,” said Schmidt.