Maintaining Correct Dealership Capital Levels is Workshop Topic at RVDA Con/Expo

Jane Saxon, a CPA who specializes in RV dealerships, will present a workshop on managing working capital as part of the dealer/GM track during the 2022 RV Dealers Convention/Expo in November.

“The Right Balance – Optimizing Working Capital and Cash in Your Dealership” is an hour-long workshop, scheduled for 2 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10. It’s designed to help dealers determine the right amount of liquid assets to keep in the dealership. Saxon will explain how to calculate working capital ratios, teach techniques to find the optimal level of working capital for a dealership, and assess if a dealer’s current working capital/cash is too high, too low, or exactly right.
Topics for the course include:
- Strategies to effectively manage working capital
- How to calculate your working capital ratio
- How to manage and monitor to this level to assure an effective use of capital, maximum return on investment and value building of the dealership
Jane Saxon is a principal with Somerset CPA & Advisors and leads the National Dealership Team. The team serves clients in the Automotive, RV, Powersport, Boat, Ag Equipment, and construction equipment industries.
The annual RVDA Convention/Expo brings together dealers, manufacturers, suppliers, and RV industry business partners. This year it is Nov. 7-11, at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.
To register click here. Regular updates will be posted on the convention website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
Companies interested in partnership, sponsorship, exhibiting, and Vendor Training +Plus opportunities can contact Julie Newhouse at (703) 364-5518 or send an email to