Make-A-Wish: Canton Boy’s Wish Granted with Surprise Reveal

NBC Connecticut was at Hemlock Hill in Southington, Conn. as Make-A-Wish Connecticut granted six-year-old Silas Peyre’s wish.
Silas Peyre has experienced a lot in his short life.
When the Canton boy was 5-years-old his parents noticed a large mass on his abdomen.
“We took him in to see what was going on. We thought he was just bloated,” explained Ashlee Maldonado, Silas’s mom.
After taking Silas to doctors and running tests, his family learned that he had cancer. The mass was on his kidney and was about 16 centimeters.
“It was scary,” said Maldonado. “I thought I was going to lose my child.”
Silas has endured a lot in the last year, but after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, Silas is now in remission and he has some exciting news. He is a Wish Kid with Make-A-Wish Connecticut.
Click here to see the whole story from Siobhan McGirl at
“It has given us something to look forward to. He could pick anything he wanted to do as a family,” said Steven Peyre, Silas’s dad.
Silas wished for a camper for his family. He specifically requested bunk beds for him and his little sister.
“To go around the world!” Silas said.