Make-A-Wish Grants Camper to Boy

Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, aka Make-A-Wish OKI, is granting a Middlebury, Ind. boy’s wish for a camper trailer.

This Thursday, at the Dutchmen Factory in Goshen, 4-year-old KayJay’s wish for a trailer camper will be granted. An avid fan of the outdoors, Dutchmen said the boy wanted a camper to safely spend more time with his family camping, fishing, and traveling.
While COVID-19 forced Make-A-Wish to temporarily pause wishes involving travel and large gatherings, it is still providing goods and services like campers, shopping sprees, room makeovers, treehouses and playsets, said Stephanie McCormick, president and CEO of Make- A-Wish OKI.
“Kids like KayJay need the hope and joy that wishes bring now more than ever,” she said. ”Wishes like his wouldn’t be possible without community and industry partners like Global Link, Dutchmen and Showalter RV. They are making a huge difference for kids with critical illnesses in our community, and we’re so grateful for their support.”