Mar-Kee Debuts New RV-Specific ‘Remote Selling’ Training

Daphne, Ala.-based Mar-Kee Group announces the release of a brand-new, RV-specific “remote selling” training module called the Virtual Sales Pro.
A provider of concise, online sales training for retail dealers worldwide, The Mar-Kee Group has expanded its eRVtraining with more than 24 new video training segments.
“This is the perfect sales solution to help RV dealerships rapidly get up to speed with the increasing number of prospects choosing to research, purchase, and even finance recreational vehicles remotely,” said co-founder Richard Keeney. “The coronavirus has caused many shifts in customers’ buying behaviors. We are doing our part to keep RV sales professionals relevant and competitive.”
Virtual Sales Pro is powered by eRVtraining, a video sales training platform designed specifically for RV dealers. Overall, eRVtraining delivers more than 300 training segments, including a Report Center for accountability and testing, and printable course materials.
“This new program is a significant complement to the traditional RV selling model,” said David Martin, president of The Mar-Kee Group. “Salespeople will learn remote selling techniques with strong emphasis on communication. Virtual Sales Pro is for any salesperson who has ever felt uncomfortable with utilizing the latest technologies to enhance selling skills.”
To learn more click here.