Mar-Kee Group Relaunches Sales Training Website for Dealers
The Mar-Kee Group is relaunching with a completely new design to make sales training resources easier to navigate and faster to access for RV dealers, boat dealers and automotive dealerships.
Web design partner, Jay Friday, owner and senior marketing analyst of Mobile Web Design, has helped develop a cleaner, mobile-friendly website experience to make it easier for visitors to find exactly what they are looking for, according to the Mar-Kee Group. Users have the ability to view relatable product testimonials, upload and share photo and video testimonials, and filtering blog posts by specific needs and interests.
The makeover provides managers and retail dealership leaders with more insight into the power of The Mar-Kee Group’s sales training platforms, according to the company. Registered users have the opportunity to check training progress in real-time using the Report Center, and print customized Certificates of Completion earned from eAutotraining, eRVtraining, or the award-winning eBoatTraining programs.
“We are dedicated to providing dealers and managers with a modern approach to essential sales training resources while offering the best customer experience possible. As a value-add to our customers, we provide free access to a variety of brief demo videos that can be used to improve sales and service selling skills,” said David Martin, president of The Mar-Kee Group.
The Mar-Kee Group’s flagship product offering is eAutotraining, a premier sales training program for automotive dealerships sales, service, and management teams.
“2019 has been an exciting time with the rollout of a RV Service Advisor version of 90-Day Online Boot Camp Training. It’s the training they need, uniquely delivered with accountability built-in. In addition, the new website provides increased opportunities for RV dealerships and boat dealerships to request information and tools needed for success”, said co-founder Richard Keeney.