Materne to Present Service Management Workshops at RVDA Expo

Maxwell Materne, service management trainer for Garage Composites, will be a featured workshop presenter at the 2019 RV Dealers Convention/Expo in Las Vegas. Materne, a first-time speaker at the convention, will host three 60-minute workshops in the fixed operations educational track. His RVDA speaker page can be found on the convention website complete with video previews of all three sessions.
During Materne’s first session at 9 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 14, he will discuss what it takes to create a 21st century service department, how to staff and structure it, and ways to reinvest in the service department. The workshop titled, “Service, It’s Time to Rethink What’s Right,” will concentrate on building a service department focused on the customers experience, staffing service for success, and how to increase a service departments ROI.
Next, on Thursday, Materne’s session, “What an @$$! Dealing with Unreasonable Customers,” will be at 2 p.m. Key takeaways from this session include ways to get into the mindset for combating anger and close mindedness, what to do when you’re wrong and the customer is right, and how to create loyal customers through bad experiences.
For his third and final workshop Materne will present, “Increasing Your Labor with Process, Not Prayer,” at 3:15 p.m. on Thursday. Participants will focus on the easy tools and simple steps that make more money with the work that is already in a service department.