RV News

Maximizing Your RVIA Membership: Part One

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This is the first in a two-part series that was produced by the RV Industry Association in order to remind its current members of all the resources and privileges membership brings with it, and to educate those who are not current members about the Association’s activities.

Membership in the RV Industry Association provides companies with access to research, resources, and reports unavailable anywhere else. But even more importantly, membership means having the expertise of a talented group of standards, government affairs, research, and marketing professionals who serve as an extension of your own staff. In this two-part series, we will share how to get the most out of your membership by first detailing what makes up the RV Industry Association and then explaining the specific ways you can maximize your membership.

The RV Industry Association is the leading trade voice of the $114 billion dollar RV industry, representing approximately 450 manufacturers and component and aftermarket suppliers who together produce 98 percent of all RVs made in the United States, and approximately 60 percent of RVs produced worldwide. It is the collective voice of these members that make the association so impactful and beneficial to each member.

There are three main pillars that make up the Association:

  • Go RVing, our consumer-facing advertising arm charged with attracting new consumers to RVing and conducting consumer research.
  • The core programs of the Association consisting of self-regulation and industry standards, government relations, events, and market data insights.
  • RV Technical Institute, our educational arm charged with the training, certification, and recruitment of RV technicians.

These three parts of the Association work together to promote and protect the RV industry and our members.

Here are details on the Association’s core programs and initiatives.


The Standards team maintains and contributes to the creation of, and updates to, eight industry standards regulating traditional and park model RVs. These efforts keep the RV industry self-regulated. They also maintain a professional team of full-time inspectors who promote the enhancement of safety by monitoring the adherence to standards for the construction of RVs and Park Model RVs.


The Government Affairs team advocates for the RV industry at the state, federal, and international level to create a favorable business environment, protect against onerous legislation and regulations, and make it easier for consumers to buy, drive, and own an RV.


Our data and research experts provide research, resources, and reports that allow members to stay informed of current and future market trends, consumer trends, and policy trends, as well as resources on current laws, regulations, and standards affecting the RV industry.

Reports available to members include:

  • Monthly RV and Park Model RV Shipment Reports
  • Quarterly RV RoadSigns Shipment Forecast
  • Annual RV Market Industry Profile
  • RV Industry Association Annual Report
  • Impact of COVID-19 on RV Interest and Action
  • RV Technician Market Assessment Study for RVTI
  • RV Consumer Demographic Profile
  • RVs Move America Economic Impact Study
  • Go RVing Survey of Owners
  • RV Aftermarket Parts & Accessories Study
  • Vacation Cost Comparison Study
  • RV Industry Association Member Segmentation Study
  • Go RVing Communications Planning Study
  • RV Service Survey


The PR team is the voice of the industry, ensuring a cohesive and positive message across the media landscape. In 2020, the team has secured the best and longest run of positive press the RV industry has ever seen by highlighting the industry as a whole, as well as individual companies.


Reaching millions of potential new RV consumers each year, Go RVing is charged with attracting new consumers to RVing and conducting consumer research and insights. Go RVing’s research and innovative campaigns ensure that the appeal of RVing is shared with a growing and diverse audience that is primed to be your future customer.


With the mission to improve the RV consumer experience and grow the pool of trained RV service technicians, the RV Technical Institute has the only industry-wide certification and is the gold standard when it comes to RV tech training.

Now that you know what the association does, in the next part of the series, we will cover specific steps you can take to ensure you are getting the most out of your membership.

Have a specific question about your membership? Contact Senior Director of Membership and Research Bill Baker at bbaker@rvia.org or view the directory of department contacts here.

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