Maximizing Your RVIA Membership: Part Two

This is the second in a two-part series that was produced by the RV Industry Association in order to remind its current members of all the resources and privileges membership brings with it, and to educate those who are not current members about the Association’s activities.
In part one of our two-part series we provided a detailed overview of what makes up the RV Industry Association as a primer for helping members get the most out of their membership. Today, we will detail the specific actions members can take to maximize their membership!
Set Up Your My RVIA account
While there is a lot of information and content that can be accessed without logging in as a member on the RV Industry Association website, to fully access the tremendous amount of resources, research and reports, a member login is required. Creating an account is a simple, one-time process that will make registering for events and accessing members-only content a breeze! Directions on how to set up an account can be found here.
Sign Up for the News & Insights Newsletter
The twice-weekly News & Insights Newsletter is the best way to keep tabs on the latest industry trends, new reports, and Association program updates. To sign up for the newsletter, simply send an email to In addition to receiving the newsletter on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, you will also receive critical legislative updates on issues impacting the RV industry as well as special member updates.
Get Involved on a Committee
There are nearly 30 RV Industry Association committees made up of industry volunteers who set the direction of the Association. These committees range from the Go RVing Coalition to the Public and Legislative Affairs Committee to the multiple committees and subcommittees that oversee the Standards Programs.
All members are encouraged to serve on a committee. A short description of each committee is available here. To get started, reach out to the staff liaison or chair of any of the committee to express your interest in serving.
Participate in Events
Although COVID has impacted how events happen, the RV Industry Association continues to hold many virtual education events and will return to holding in-person events when it is safe to do so. Our signature RVs Move America Week takes place in early June in Washington, D.C. and offers all members the opportunity to set the direction of not only the Association but also impact public policies affecting the RV industry.
The RV Aftermarket Conference is a three-day event each August where suppliers and distributors in the RV industry meet to showcase the latest aftermarket products and services while developing strategies to expand their business in the coming year. In addition to these events, the Association hosts regular educational events on topics ranging from standards and compliance to public policy updates and a legal symposium.
Follow Us on Social
Whether your preferred social network is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn, we have you covered. Follow us to get the latest updates and engage in conversation on emerging trends.
Have a specific question about your membership? Contact Bill Baker, senior director of membership and research at or view the directory of department contacts here.