Meyer Adds Spokane, Wash., Location

Meyer Distributing has added a location in Spokane, Wash. The cross-dock will have a direct, next-day feed from Meyer’s Portland, Ore., distribution hub which houses one of the largest inventories of automotive accessories and RV parts in the region.
“We have substantially grown our RV and towing business in the Northwest over the last couple years,” said Jason Lents, RV sales manager for Meyer. “We are thankful so many customers are giving us a good look and seeing quickly what we can bring to the table to help their businesses and margins. We look forward to helping our customers in the region with their winterization programs.”
“We continue to reinvest in inventory, personnel, and equipment in the Northwest,” said Jeff Braun, CFO of Meyer. “We’re way ahead of schedule on our growth plans in the region and have opened two new logistics points in Washington recently to handle the increased volume. We thank the customers for putting their trust in us.”