MITO Corp. Promotes Counsellor and Tucker

MITO Corp. recently promoted Obadiah Counsellor and Amber Tucker into integral leadership team/support roles.
An employee at MITO since 2017, Tucker has transitioned into a corporate support role from her previous position in the MITO order processing/accounting department. In this integral role, Tucker will assist the leadership team and schedule events, trade shows, logistics planning and marketing support. She also will help improve the lives of MITO employees from a HR perspective.
As a controller at MITO, Counsellor will oversee finance matters including accounts payable, accounts receivable, IT, and human resources. Counsellor welcomes the inevitable challenges of the diversity of this position’s responsibilities and looks forward to the coming years. Previously a senior accountant at Patrick Industries, he has been with MITO since January 2019 and is an IUSB alumnus.