Motorhomes Exempt From CARB Clean Truck Check

The RV Industry Association (RVIA) reported that on Friday, July 21, the California Air Resource Board (CARB) sent out a notice stating that the Clean Truck Check does not apply to motorhomes registered outside of California and used for recreational purposes.
This means families utilizing their motorhomes while vacationing into California are not subject to the Clean Truck Check program. Motorhomes registered in California are subject to one time per year periodic compliance testing starting in 2024 timeframe.
CARB staff will release additional information on projected 2024 vehicle testing dates in the coming weeks for California-registered motorhomes that are required to undergo annual periodic compliance testing.
In 2019, CARB was directed to develop and implement a comprehensive heavy-duty vehicle inspection and maintenance regulation, RVIA said. The board approved the regulation on Dec. 9, 2021, with implementation to be phased in starting January 2023.
Dubbed the Clean Truck Check, the program combines periodic vehicle testing requirements with other emissions monitoring techniques and expanded enforcement strategies to identify vehicles in need of emissions related repairs and ensure any needed repairs are performed.