National Go RVing Day Is Saturday

This Saturday, June 10, is National Go RVing Day. Celebrated every second Saturday of June, the day calls on the RV industry and consumers alike to celebrate the joys of RVing by heading out to their favorite outdoor destination for a weekend of RVing.
Go RVing has once again released a toolkit that industry partners can use to promote National Go RVing Day to their audiences this year. This includes a promotional timeline, logos, social media video and graphics, sample social media copy, and sample article copy. These can all be used as-is or can be personalized for certain audiences. Although it’s a bit late to use some of the suggestions, the tookit is still worthwhile for dealers to have, as it will be handy to have in-hand when next year’s day rolls around.
For more details on the toolkit and tips on promoting Go RVing Day, click here.