NERVDA Discusses Follow-up RVWA Meeting

The New England RV business community recently gathered in Worcester, Mass., to learn more about the RV Women’s Alliance and establish a regional presence here in New England.
Hosted by the New England RV Dealers Association (NERVDA), the group consisted of dealers, campgrounds, financial institutions, event management, association executives and a well-known television production company based here in Massachusetts.
Each attendee had an opportunity to introduce themselves, their company affiliation, their role in the industry they work in and then answered questions from other attendees. Many of the attendees had prior experience in establishing women-centric organizations in other industries and that information was extremely valuable to this group in launching the RVWA activities in New England.
New relationships were formed, and follow-up calls and meetings were in place before the evening ended.
The group discussed a follow-up meeting in November and had some great topics that will be considered as they work on other issues with the national organization. Several of the women in attendance also expressed a desire to get more engaged with the group and volunteered to serve on committees or meet in smaller groups to help plan future activities.
Everyone is encouraged to join RVWA at