NERVDA Launches Facebook Live TV Program

The New England RV Dealers Association (NERVDA) recently launched a talk show that will air this Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. EDT on the association’s Facebook page.
The co-hosts for the show are Bob Zagami, executive director of NERVDA and John DiPietro, a NERVDA associate member and New England radio and television personality. The 30-minute show will exchange conversations with NERVDA fans. The March 7 episode has already earned more than 3,000 views.
“This show allows us to provide another feature for our associate members and keep their products and services in front of our 9,000-plus active consumers that follow NERVDA on this site,” said Zagami. “We are looking forward to incorporating many of our associate members in the talk show in the months ahead.”
RV manufacturers, suppliers, related businesses, campgrounds and non-related businesses can join NERVDA by calling of emailing Zagami for full details.