NERVDA Show to Discuss Self-Park Camping

The New England RV Dealers Association (NERVDA) announced that it will have an informal conversation with Jim Turntine, the owner/developer of the RV self-park concept.
The showrunners of “RVing in New England” on Facebook Live said the self-park idea has gone from concept to reality. Those traveling in Missouri could be one of the first RVers in the country to try it out, according to the showrunners.
Turntine will explain how he came up with idea and how he is making it happen. He also will discuss his plans for other locations along America’s highways and byways.
The show is co-hosted by Bob Zagami, executive director of NERVDA, and John DiPietro, an experienced radio and television personality in New England and sales/marketing consultant. The episode will stream on Facebook at 7 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Jan. 8.
Watch it live at