New Small Business RVer School for Mobile Entrepreneurs Launched

Workamper International has announced the launch of a new online course designed to help mobile entrepreneurs start and maintain successful small businesses.
For decades, Workamper News has helped RVers fund their travel plans by connecting them to short-term jobs working for a variety of companies. However, the organization has seen a steady spike in people wanting to run businesses on the road instead of working for others.
“Entrepreneurship is something that isn’t often taught in schools; however, more and more people desire to take control of their own destinies by working in businesses of their own,” said Steve Anderson, president of the Small Business RVer School. “With the right training and support, a mobile entrepreneur can learn the fundamentals to start a business, a strategy to market the company, and a process to ensure it thrives.”
Students can complete the training at their own pace by viewing more than 70 videos compiled into 26 lessons. Students must complete a quiz to advance to the next level.
Anderson developed much of the material on his own, but some was developed in cooperation with the Ziglar Corp., which teaches success strategies developed by legendary business trainer Zig Ziglar. Some of the sessions were developed in partnership with Mark Kohler, a business attorney, certified public accountant and author of multiple books to help business owners.
Students also complete a DISC assessment to discover their personality type and how it shapes their leadership traits as well as how they respond to situations and other people. They’re taught how to use specific business tools, such as the Ziglar Performance Planner, to set goals, identify priority tasks and develop plans to carry them out.
Starting by understanding the “why” of going into business and the “what” they’ll offer to customers, the course also helps students develop an entrepreneurial mindset.
“Most people have worked for others their entire lives. They are accustomed to being told what to do and when to do it in order to get a regular paycheck,” Anderson said. “Entrepreneurs have to change that mindset to develop initiative and hold themselves accountable to doing whatever must be done to succeed.”
Students learn how to use credit to their advantage, how to set up an effective accounting system, proper tax planning, and ways to market their companies using traditional and online advertising.
Anderson said the self-paced program “simplifies the steps to help entrepreneurs understand the mechanics needed to develop a business.” and the course takes it a step further to strengthen students as entrepreneurs.
The cost to enroll in the self-directed course is $997, which gives students access to the training materials for one year.
For more information, visit The video below also features additional details.