Newmar’s Dutch Star Tops Class A Diesel Market for 2021

According to numbers released from Michigan’s Statistical Surveys, Newmar’s Dutch Star ranked highest in Class A diesel motor home retail registrations in the U.S. for the 2021 calendar year.
Newmar’s best-selling brand accounted for 9.6 percent of the Class A diesel motor homes purchased at retail in the United States last year.
“All of the nearly 1,300 employees at Newmar Corporation are proud and honored to have our best-selling brand reach the No. 1 ranking in class A diesel segment of the motor home market,” said John Sammut, Newmar’s V.P of sales and marketing. “This achievement validates all the diligent market-driven product planning and development work executed by our engineering, operations, sales and marketing teams.”
Newmar also reported growth in the retail volume of its Ventana, Kountry Star, London Aire and Canyon Star product lines, all of which ranked in the top 25 Class A diesel brands.