‘No Dirty Air’ is the Company’s Product and Promise

Using activated oxygen and ultraviolet light, No Dirty Air Mobile promises clean air in your RV or motorhome no matter what the circumstances.
The company says its two-stage system brings a mobile, versatile disinfecting/sanitization air cleaning system to consumers, available at www.nodirtyair.com. And since activated oxygen is heavier than ambient air, the system goes beyond just cleaning the air but can also disinfect surfaces in areas surrounding the unit.
“The RV lifestyle has always been about freedom to explore this great country and spend great times with family and friends,” said John Sztykiel, co-founder of Created 2 c, the parent company of No Dirty Air. “In the current environment, we also want to enjoy this freedom with confidence in our health and safety and the No Dirty Air Mobile can give you that confidence, anytime, anywhere.
“We developed No Dirty Air based on proven technology of activated oxygen and UV light, which have been known for their cleaning and disinfecting properties for more than a century. Our activated oxygen/UV light technology that removes odors has a tremendous disinfecting benefit against viruses, bacteria and other microbes, which are often the source of the odors we sense in the air. These benefits have generated strong interest and orders from RV manufacturers, dealer and consumers since we have introduced the No Dirty Air Mobile.”
The No Dirty Air Mobile system was designed for ambient air sanitizing and disinfecting that can be used to treat the air and surfaces in homes, offices and vehicles.