Northside Family RV and Make-A-Wish Made a Dream Come True Saturday

Lexington, Ky.’s Northside Family RV this past weekend held a special event for a nine-year-old boy from nearby Evansville, Ind. Here’s the story from Lexington’s ABC-36 TV.
Northside Family RV and Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana have partnered to grant a life-changing wish for Garret, a nine-year-old wish kid from Evansville, Indiana. The live wish-granting took place this past Saturday.
Garrett, who has undergone brain surgery for a nervous system disorder and receives regular treatment for his critical illness, will receive his wish of receiving a brand-new RV. Garret loves camping and being outside, and his wish will provide Garret and his family the perfect vehicle to enjoy a summer full of outdoor adventures.
According to Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana, wishes provide what medicine cannot – extraordinary and memorable experiences that allow children to take their focus off the illness and provide a sense of renewed normalcy. Research shows that children who have wishes granted can build the physical and emotional strength they need to fight their critical illnesses, potentially improving their quality of life and producing better health outcomes.
To see the full report from Hagan Wells at ABC-36, click here.